
Not much of a coup. Although no ice cream came home with me, I bought and ate potato chips. 

It was a rough couple of days, but I heard unexpectedly from friends here and there who must have sensed I needed a little virtual hug. 

Those in my acquaintance who have experienced loss up close and personal have told me to expect this. 

Expect what is unexpected. 

Expect that you can bump along, breathing, doing, being, and then WHAM. Sorrow gets right up and kicks you in the center of the back like a Ninja in spiked cleats. You never really see it coming; it takes your breath away. The wounds are so deep you think you may not be able to stand up again, but you can. There are plenty of people around to grab you by the hand and pull you to your feet. Your job is to put one foot in front of the other and stay on the path.

I think I will go for a walk...

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